Monday, August 23, 2010

Collapse Player Manual

The player manual has been removed for now. There are further updates to make such as a character creation example, a few game play examples, and a family member generation chart. If you have specific comments please post below.

Work progresses on the Administrator's manual as well which will have NPC's, animal stats and alien/zombie stat charts, Collapse scenario ideas, movie and book lists as well as other tidbits for an administrator.

I have time over labor day to work on this so I hope to have the revised player manual and Administrator manual ready shortly after.

Additionally should they be two separate manuals or one combined book?I feel 2 separate books allows players to access what they need while keeping the administrator stuff out of prying eyes, but your opinion and feed back is appreciated.


  1. I'd prefer two books. The movie and book list might be useful in the player's book as well.

  2. Thanks for the feedback. I think you are right on both counts.
